Thursday, 3 November 2016

Uses and Gratifications Theory

Blumler and Katz believed that consumers use media in order to gratify their needs, but it also has some unintended consequences. 
According to some research their are five different uses that can be defined as someones goals for media use:

  • Information and education - Users often use media for the purpose of finding something out, and storing this info. 
  • Identify with characters of the situation in the media environment - This is like people becoming emotionally connected to characters that have been created in the media.
  • Simple entertainment - Some people use the internet and modern media, simply to be entertained. Be this through watching a film or browsing social media. 
  • Enhance social interaction - Through the use of social media, and apps like Skype in which people can conduct video phone calls. 
  • Escapism — Many people use forms of media simply to escape the woes of every day life, things like playing a video game or watching a fantasy film help people distance themselves from reality.

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